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Help End Infanticide in FCT- Abuja: Your Donation Can Make A Difference

By July 12, 2024No Comments

Centre for Women Studies and Intervention (CWSI) is at the forefront of championing the rights and well-being of women and children in Nigeria. Founded on the principles of justice, equality, and human dignity, CWSI has tirelessly worked to address critical issues affecting the most vulnerable populations in our society. One of the most pressing concerns we face today is the tragic and abhorrent practice of infanticide, which continues to occur in some communities within the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and beyond.

The Plight of Infanticide:

Infanticide, the intentional act of causing the death of an infant, is influenced by a myriad of socio-cultural, economic, and psychological factors. In some Nigerian communities, traditional beliefs and practices lead to the killing of twins, children with disabilities, or those considered to be cursed. Economic hardships, lack of education, and mental health issues further exacerbate this issue, leaving many infants vulnerable to harmful and deadly practices.

The Nigerian Child Rights Act (CRA) of 2003 offers a robust framework for safeguarding children’s rights, aligning with international standards such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. Key provisions of the CRA include the inherent right to life, protection from harmful traditional practices, and criminalization of infanticide and harmful acts against children. The Act mandates government and societal efforts to ensure children’s survival and development, emphasizing the prohibition of practices that lead to infanticide. Furthermore, the CRA holds individuals accountable for assaulting, ill-treating, abandoning, or exposing children to unnecessary suffering. It is imperative for the government at all levels to enforce this Act comprehensively. The Catholic Church also strongly condemns infanticide, advocating for the sacredness of life from conception to natural death. Similarly, the CRC emphasizes the inherent right to life, protection from violence, and the obligation of states to safeguard children’s rights. Addressing infanticide in Nigeria necessitates a collaborative approach involving legal, educational, economic, and cultural strategies, with government agencies, NGOs, community leaders, and international partners working together to create a safer environment for all children.

Recent Observations and the Urgent Need for Intervention:

On July 6, 2024, Rev. Sr. Ngozi Frances Uti, HHCJ, the Executive Director of CWSI during her visit to the Vine Heritage Home Foundation in Abuja, encountered a heart-wrenching scene: a newborn baby recently rescued from imminent death in its community. The foundation, which rescues and fosters children from harmful cultural practices, is home to over 200 children, ranging from infants to teenagers, who have been saved from such dire circumstances.

The Role of CWSI:

CWSI recognizes the critical need to address the root causes of infanticide and to engage communities in abandoning these harmful practices. Our approach includes:

  • Advocacy: Engaging relevant departments and agencies to ensure the enforcement of the Nigerian Child Rights Act and other protective laws.
  • Awareness and Sensitization Campaigns: Educating communities about the rights of children and the dangers of harmful cultural practices.
  • Community Engagement: Working with traditional and religious leaders to shift community norms and eliminate harmful practices.
  • Support for Affected Children: Providing essential food and non-food items to foundations like the Vine Heritage Home Foundation, ensuring that rescued children have the resources they need to thrive.
  • Reunion: Most importantly, the need to reunite the affected children to their families with continuous monitoring and support.

Call for Financial Support:

To carry out these critical activities, CWSI needs your support. Addressing infanticide requires a multifaceted and resource-intensive approach. We appeal to donor agencies, philanthropists, friends, and well-wishers to join us in this noble cause. Your generous contributions will enable us to:

  • Conduct widespread advocacy and sensitization campaigns.
  • Provide vital supplies and support to rescued children.
  • Engage community leaders in meaningful dialogues to change harmful practices.


      Donate Now

By supporting CWSI you are investing in the future of countless children who deserve to live free from fear and harm. Together, we can create a society where every child is valued and protected, where harmful traditions are replaced with respect for human life and dignity.

Please consider making a donation today. For more information on how to contribute, visit our website or contact our office directly. Thank you for your support and commitment to ending infanticide and safeguarding the rights of all children.


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