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CWSI’s Human Rights/ Gender Equality

CWSI’s Human Rights/ gender training have created the needed awareness to the women and girls in particular on their rights and responsibilities as human beings and citizens, empowering them to speak out for themselves.

Human rights clubs/ groups:
have been formed in many of the schools and communities, the human right advocates are drawn from volunteering youths. This group has been animated and trained severally by CWSI to champion and anchor her human rights activities in the states of their intervention

CWSI’s Paralegals:
are persons who have been trained by the Centre in subsidiary legal matters. Though they are not lawyers, they are trained to perform substantive legal work that requires knowledge of the law and procedures, and they are grassroots advocates for women’s rights. While the paralegals operate legal clinics and intervene in domestic matters through Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR) in there various communities, the human right groups on the other hand track, monitor, intervene and report

Women Empowerment Groups:
Women in Delta, Cross River, Ebonyi and Kogi states in their associations such as Association of Delta Women Empowerment (ADWE), Cross River Women Empowerment Network (CWEN), Ebonyi Women Empowerment (EWEN) and Kogi Women Empowerment Coalition (KWEC) respectively have become formidable forces to be reckoned with in their various communities through trainings and intervention by the Centre over the years. In spite of all these efforts and achievements, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Correctional Centres Decongestion
The Nigerian Correctional facilities across the country accommodate above the required number of inmates. Majority of these inmates are awaiting trial, unable to access legal aid lawyers, incapable of meeting bail conditions or securing legal services.

As part of our humanitarian work, Centre for Women Studies and Intervention (CWSI) engages in decongesting the Correctional Centres by assisting in the release of offenders of trivial issues due for release. So far, about 27 inmates from Suleja and Kuje Correctional Centres have benefitted from the intervention. CWSI would want to help in releasing more of these people if funding is available.

Psychosocial Support/Trauma Counseling
Gender Based Violence (GBV) and other forms of abuses on women and girls have impacts on their mental health and psychosocial wellbeing. In this context, CWSI plays an important role in providing psychosocial support and trauma counseling for victims.

CWSI in Political Space

Even though on paper the 35% affirmative action in leadership has been adopted, the number of women in decision making positions have continued to decrease rather than increase. In this area, CWSI is working assiduously towards a change in the gross under-representation of women both in elective and appointive positions. CWSI through its Kogi Women Empowerment Coalition (KWEC) was able to encourage greater participation of women in politics with keen minds. Between 2015-2019, three (3) female commissioners were appointed. Twelve (12) women picked the tickets for the primaries and five (5) contested for the elections.   In Kogi state, CWSI in collaboration with the Ministry of Women Affairs is working towards the passage of the Gender and Equal Opportunities bill, all in a bid to give women, girls and the vulnerable a voice in the society. The story is the same for the women in Delta and Cross River states where women groups such as Association of Delta Women Empowerment (ADWE) and Cross River Women Empowerment Network (CWEN) respectively are advancing the promotion of the rights of women.

CWSI Women Economic Empowerment

CWSI has created the needed awareness of how far women can go in any sector. Equal participation of women in all spheres of life is necessary for sustainable development and poverty reduction. There is then the dire need to make women economically self-reliant.

Rural Entreprenuer Scheme:
CWSI in an effort to help the women started a Rural Entrepreneur Scheme (RES) with some of the women, however, the initiative did not continue due to the economic downturn in the country which has caused a lot of poverty and hardship.  A total of five hundred and seventy-eight (578) women benefited from the Programme.

Rice Mill:
CWSI with financial support from one of our donors has built a Rice Mill in Ibaji in Idah local government area to help alleviate the sufferings and difficulties women of the community who are mainly rice farmers face trying to get their products ready for the market. The rice mill project has experienced some challenges but CWSI is hopeful that the project will soon pick up to achieve the purpose for which it was established, which is to give succor to the women of the area, one of the major challenges is the finance for full take-off.

Skills Acquisition:
To promote independence and self-reliance of women and girls, CWSI engages in skills acquisition programmes for women empowerment among which are basic trade skills and computer training programmes set up by the Centre on basic knowledge and other innovative computer packages. These projects have uplifted many beneficiaries and CWSI hopes to continue with it.

CWSI and Migration

Between 2002 and 2011 CWSI with the support of a German NGO—SOLWODI-had a stint in journeying with two returnees and having them re-integrated into the society. This laid the foundation for CWSI’s interest and passion for migration issues.

Migration, a phenomenon akin to human existence is an area CWSI engages in. This is necessary because of the growing trend in migration issues affecting women and girls such as trafficking, child labour, exploitation, and abuses.

To further enrich CWSI’s engagement in migration issues, it convenes the Civil Society Network on Migration and Development (CSOnetMADE) and also implements activities collaboratively with the Network.

CWSI Engagement with CSOs

Some CSOs share similar vision with CWSI, such organisations were identified based on their mission. CWSI builds synergy with them for effective service delivery.  This is against the premise that results are better attained when resources are pulled together with common purpose. Each CSO has an area of specialty which enriches collaboration and networking. Information sharing among CSOs has greatly enhanced our corporate existence.

CWSI Engagement with International NGOs

Engagement with international NGOs is based on CWSI’s interest which is aligned with her vision. At the point of engagement, CWSI share expertise and useful information to support each other based on comparative advantage. CWSI also engages International NGOs and participates in international NGOs platforms and programmes.

CWSI’s interns and United Nations (UN) youth representatives from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA play an active role in representing the interest of CWSI at the UN by participating fully in the programmes and giving updates to CWSI.

Our Humanitarian Service
To cushion up the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, CWSI with the help of one of our donors distributed palliatives- food items, cash, toiletries and face masks to more than a thousand women, girls, and vulnerable persons in Boki, Yala, Bekwarra, Ogoja, Ikom, Obudu and Yakurr Local Government Areas in Cross River State.
