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Day 1 Of 16 Days Of Activism Against Gender-based Violence__ HHCJ Cameroon

By December 5, 2023No Comments

Choose something to do today, either as an individual or as a community. Today, our focus is on Domestic Violence. Shockingly, 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence daily. Your investment and prayers can make a difference. Remember, your silence can contribute to the increase in violence against women and girls.

  • Share prayers for each day.
  • Light a candle for a woman today.
  • As a religious woman working with vulnerable people, we can create awareness to stop violence globally, especially against women and girls.

Awareness Initiatives:

  • Wear an orange ribbon or wear orange to raise awareness.
  • Invest your time, skills, resources, prayers, and money to make a difference in the life of one woman.
  • Be an advocate against violence in all its forms – physical, emotional, spiritual, economic, social, verbal, etc.

Make an Impact:

  • In your workplace, in school, and in your religious community, be an advocate against violence.
  • Let your presence somewhere reduce violence.


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